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제10회 한중 국제사법학회 공동학술대회(온라인) 안내

Program of the 10th China-Korea Symposium on Private International Law


Date & Time: October 29, 2021 (Fri); 09:00-17:30 CST (10:00-18:30 KST)

Venue: Virtual Symposium

Co-Host: China Society of Private International Law (CSPIL) & Korea Private International Law Association (KOPILA)  

Sponsor: Wuhan University Institute of International Law & Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global Governance


[Zoom 회의실 접속정보]

링크: https://zoom.us/j/97149907832?pwd=YjFPUHBMV0IvK0l2UmVHVzdwcEVUZz09 

회의ID: 971 4990 7832

비밀번호: 1029


* 빨간색으로 표시된 시간이 한국시간임.


09:00-09:30 (10:00-10:30) Opening Remarks: Presidents of CSPIL & KOPILA

Moderator: Prof. XIAO Yongping, Standing Vice President of CSPIL​

Prof. HUANG Jin (President of CSPIL)

Prof. SUK Kwang Hyun (President of KOPILA)


Session 1

Subject: Current Issues in Cross-border Maritime Cases in Chinese and Korean Courts 


Moderator: Prof. XU Guojian (Shanghai University of Political Science and Law)


09:30-10:00 (10:30-11:00) Current Issues on Cross-border Maritime Cases in Supreme Court of Korea

Speaker: Ms. KIM Yoon Jong (Daejeon District Court, Presiding Judge)

Discussant: Prof. DU Huanfang (Renmin University of China)


10:00-10:30 (11:00-11:30) Maritime Lien and the Related Conflict of Law Issues in Korea

Speaker: Mr. CHUNG Byung-Suk (Kim & Chang, Senior Partner)

Discussant: Prof. GAN Yong (Wuhan University Institute of International Law)


10:30-11:00 (11:30-12:00) Applicable Law in Marine Cargo Insurance Contract and Dépeçage

Speaker: Ms. KIM Min Kyung (Daejeon District Court, Judge)

Discussant: Prof. PEI Yang (Beijing Normal University School of Law)


11:00-11:10 (12:00-12:10) Break


Moderator: Prof. LIU Renshan (Vice President of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)


11:10-11:40 (12:10-12:40) Conflicts and Countermeasures: Jurisdiction and Procedure Issues of Cross-border Maritime Insolvency Cases

Speaker: Prof. WANG Guohua (Shanghai Maritime University, Vice President of CSPIL)

Discussant: Mr. SUH Dong Hee (Suh & Co., Managing Partner)


11:40-12:10 (12:40-13:10) Cross-border Maritime Trial in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic

Speaker: Prof. TANG Zheng (Wuhan University Institute of International Law)

Discussant: Dr. LEE Phil-Bok (Busan High Court, Judge)


Session 2

Subject: Current Issues in the Legislation and Practice of the Extraterritorial Application of Chinese and Korean Laws


Moderator: Prof. GUO Yujun (Wuhan University Institute of International Law)


13:30-14:00 (14:30-15:00) Extraterritorial Application of Korean Intellectual Property Laws

Speaker: Prof. LEE Gyooho (Chung-Ang University School of Law)

Discussant: Prof. XIANG Zaisheng (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)


14:00-15:00 (15:00-15:30) Extraterritorial Application Provision in the Korean Capital Markets Law and​ ​Its Implications to Choice-of-law Rules for Prospectus Liability

Speaker: Prof. LEE Jong Hyeok (Hanyang University School of Law)

Discussant: Prof. DU Tao (East China University of Political Science and Law)


14:30-15:00 (15:30-16:00) Extraterritorial Application of Chinese Laws and Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law

Speaker: Prof. HE Qisheng (Peking University School of Law)

Discussant: Prof. LEE Se-In (Pusan National University School of Law)


15:00-15:10 (16:00-16:10) Break


Moderator: Prof. LIU Xiaohong (President of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law)


15:10-15:40 (16:10-16:40) The Exclusion of Renvoi (Remission and Transmission) by Chinese Courts in the Practice of Applying the Chinese PIL Act and the Possible International Harmony Reached Between the Judgments in Civil Matters Rendered by Chinese and Korean Courts in Their Practice of Extraterritorial Application of Laws

Speaker: Prof. CHEN Weizuo (Tsinghua University School of Law, Director of the Research Centre for Private International Law and Comparative Law)

Discussant: Mr. JANG Jiyong (Suwon High Court, High Court Judge)


15:40-16:10 (16:40-17:10) Extraterritoriality of Chinese Law: Myths, Realities and the Future

Speaker: Prof. HUO Zhengxin (China University of Political Science and Law)

Discussant: Prof. CHUN Changmin (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)


Session 3


Moderator: Prof. LIU Xiaohong (President of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law)

16:10-17:00 (17:10-18:00) Q & A 


17:00-17:30 (18:00-18:30) Final Remarks: Presidents of KOPILA and CSPIL

Prof. SUK Kwang Hyun (President of KOPILA)

Prof. XIAO Yongping (Standing Vice President of CSPIL)
